Convert Milliseconds (ms) into Time Formatted String (HH:MM:SS) in Java\Android

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Try this following Method to Convert Milliseconds (ms) into Time Formatted String (HH:MM:SS) in Java\Android.

You just need to Pass the Time in Milliseconds.

public String msToTime(long ms)
        long mm = 0;
        long ss = 0;
        long hh = 0;

        ss = ms/1000;
        mm = ss/60;
        ss = ss%60;
        hh = mm/60;
        mm = mm%60;

        String ssString = String.valueOf(ss);
        String mmString = String.valueOf(mm);
        String hhString = String.valueOf(hh);

        if (mmString.length() == 1)
            mmString = "0"+mmString;
        if (ssString.length() == 1)
            ssString = "0"+ssString;
        if (hhString.length() == 1)
            hhString = "0"+hhString;

        String time = null;

        if (hh!=0)
            time = hhString+":"+mmString+":"+ssString;
        else {
            time = mmString+":"+ssString;

        return time;

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Video Games Lover By Passion. Programmer by skills and part time Blogger by Hobby. And Owner of UMIRGAMING.COM and UMIRTECH.COM

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